Thursday, June 10, 2010


We've got a tie! So use this to break the tie!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Saturday, June 5, 2010

The Power of Language (Satanic Verses)

I am way behind with the club and just finished The Satanic Verses! I thought I'd post since I haven't been able to make it to the meetings lately.

One of my favorite quotations was this:
"Jumpy en route to his mistress tried to convince himself that his resentments of Hanif, his friend Hanif, were primarily - how to put it? - linguistic. Hanif was in perfect control of the languages that mattered: sociological, socialistic, black-radical, anti-anti-anti-racist, demagogic, oratorical, sermonic: the vocabularies of power... Language is courage: the ability to conceive a thought, to speak it, and by doing so to make it true." (281)

This passage is just one of many in the book dealing with the power of language - there are the poets who speak their poems aloud, the prophets who change the course of history through their words, the voice-over artists who can portray so many different characters. It is ironic (or perhaps appropriate?), then, that the novel itself caused so much protest and violence. A novel about the power of language, whose author is hated and threatened by many in real life. I am appalled and fascinated that the protesters allowed the language in this book to have such power over them, and to cause them such fear.